Call for Presentations

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign proudly presents the third annual, 100% online Health Communication: Barriers, Breakthroughs, and Best Practices (HCB3) Conference on February 25-March 1, 2019. We invite competitive presentations from researchers and practitioners examining health communication across a variety of settings including, but not limited to, clinical, cultural, interpersonal, legal, social and traditional media, organizational, and political contexts. All presentations must use commonly accessible platforms, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, etc., and must include audio (voiceover) as well as visual content. Learn more about adding audio to a PowerPoint presentation here. Information about Prezi may be found here, and Moovly here.

Conference registration will open soon. All presentations will be submitted to blind review by the HCB3 submission committee to determine their placement in this year’s conference. Competitive presentations should be submitted in abstract form of no more than 500 words of text. In your online submission, please include the following information: (1) author information including names, phone numbers, email addresses, degrees, and affiliations; (2) presentation title; (3) 500-word abstract; and (4) references (not counted toward the 500 word limit). During the conference, each presentation will be rated by conference attendees. Awards will be given to top presentations determined by the HCB3 submission committee as well as the number of views and ratings.

Registration to the HCB3 is free. Deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2019, and final presentations must be submitted by February 11, 2019. Rolling acceptance/denial will begin October 1, 2018. Priority consideration will be given to presenters who submit a proposal by January 1, 2019.



Additional questions about the conference and submission requirements may be emailed to


HCB3 on Twitter: #hcomconf2019